Wednesday, July 25, 2018

More about Water

Living things need fresh WATER and some things need salt water but all living things need some form of water to keep on living. 

                      WATER is important!!!
Water is used in many different ways. 

Here are some of our ideas how water is used.

Water for gardens and drinking.

We need water for ice blocks.

Rain produces rainbows. It's all about water.

 We need water for cars and for water slides. How about that hot cup of tea.

Water for cleaning and cooking. Water for our pets.

Water for swimming and playful fun.

Monday, July 23, 2018

Term 3 2018

Welcome to Term 3. A warm welcome to all families. We have now settled into our new classroom. We love our new learning space. The Deck is amazing - sheltered and spacious. 

Come and check out our new classroom.

This term we continue to work on Human Impact on Planet Earth: What makes the earth work and how can we care for it?  Our focus is Water.  

                          Dinosaurs and all that Rubbish...

This term is also Operetta term. The week of 17-23 September is all go!! 
Every student at Hamilton East School is in the Operetta. It focuses on the Arts curriculum. There are 5 performances, 2 daytime and 3 evening. All students are part of each performance. This is a major commitment however students LOVE IT! You will be notified for our class costume requirements.