Sunday, October 31, 2021

Week 3 Home Learning Term 4 2021

Home Learning for Week 3

I can be contacted at email:                  

can be messaged on Seesaw between 9 am and 12 pm and online during school hours.

Morena Tamariki Ma


Pou hihiri Through diligence

Pou rarama Through persistence

Pou o te whakaaro Through clarity

Pou o te aroha Love and respect

Te pou e here nei These are the virtues

i a tātou that bind us

Mauri ora ki a tātou May we be filled with peace

Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!

Paepae - remember to practise your Pepeha daily.

Celebrate Diwali

Diwali  - click on the link to view the slide show of Diwali.

Read the information about Diwali and write a report about what you have learnt about Diwali

Write about what Alisha does each day to celebrate Diwali.

Create some Diwali artwork of your own and take a photo to share on Seesaw.

Easy Diwali Recipes. - click on the link to view


Write a Story

1. Write a home story. 2. Give your story a title. 3. Draw a picture or take a photo of artwork to support your story. 4. Practice reading your story out loud. 6. As an option you can take a photo or record your story to upload to Seesaw.


Reading Routines: Listening to a Favorite Story

  • We all love hearing our favourite stories again and again! Let's go listen to one now and then respond to the questions below.

Choose a book to Read Daily. Click on the following links

1. log onto.  Mathletics
2. Complete 3 activities before choosing a game.
3. Seesaw - complete one assigned maths activity.   

Top Marks Number Facts   - great activities. Have a go!

Have a go at Daily Mental Maths

Mahi Toi- Art

Diwali Arts and Crafts.   click on link to view

10 Diwali Craft Ideas.    click on link to view

Doodling with Mo Willems

Monday, October 25, 2021

Week 2 of Term 4 Home Learning 2021

Home Learning for Week 2

I can be contacted at email:                  

can be messaged on Seesaw between 9 am and 12 pm and online during school hours.

Morena Tamariki Ma


Pou hihiri Through diligence

Pou rarama Through persistence

Pou o te whakaaro Through clarity

Pou o te aroha Love and respect

Te pou e here nei These are the virtues

i a tātou that bind us

Mauri ora ki a tātou May we be filled with peace

Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!

Paepae - remember to practise your Pepeha daily.

 - click on the link to practise your breathing exercises.


Write a Story

1. Write a home story. 2. Give your story a title. 3. Draw a picture or take a photo of artwork to support your story. 4. Practice reading your story out loud. 6. As an option you can take a photo or record your story to upload to Seesaw.


Use the Meerkat picture to write a

funny story.


Reading Routines: Listening to a Favorite Story

  • We all love hearing our favourite stories again and again! Let's go listen to one now and then respond to the questions below.

Choose a book to Read Daily. Click on the following links

1. log onto.  Mathletics
2. Complete 3 activities before choosing a game.
3. Seesaw - complete one assigned maths activity.   

Top Marks Number Facts   - great activities. Have a go!

Pūtaiao - Science

Follow  Ryan's Easy and Fun Science Experiments   for more activities
# A challenge to video your own Science Experiment presentation and upload it to Seesaw.

Mahi Toi- Art

Doodling with Mo Willems

I can be contacted at email:

I can be messaged on Seesaw between 9 am and 12 pm and online during school hours.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Friday Fun Day

Ideas for Friday Fun day

1. Have an Art Day - Cool Paper Ideas

2. Have a dress-up day. Wear your favourite outfit or favourite pyjamas.

3. Make crazy hat wear. 

4. Have a Dance Party with all your favourite music. 

5. Make time for a movie and popcorn

6. Make your favourite treats.

7. Have a lego challenge and build your favourite item. 

Take a photo or video of yourself of your Friday Fun Day activities.

Have a go. Try a family Activity today

Sunday, October 17, 2021

Prime Ministers Christmas Card Competition

This year’s Christmas card. It can be anything you want – a traditional Christmas tree, 
a Kiwi beach scene, or whatever Christmas means to you and your family – then send it in to the Prime Minister. 

Your design might be chosen to appear on the Prime Minister’s official Christmas card! 
All designs should be one-sided, and created on A4 paper. 
Send your entries as a PDF to the Prime Minister by email to: 
or by post to: 
Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, 
Freepost Parliament, 
Private Bag 18 888, 
Parliament Buildings, 
Wellington 6160. 

Please include the artist’s name, age and postal address in the email body, or on the back of 
the design (if posting it in). 

Entries close at 5pm, Sunday 24 October 2021. 

Please note, entries cannot be returned – you might like to take a photo of your drawing 
before sending it in. Only one entry per person is allowed, and all entries may be displayed 
in an exhibition at the end of the year.

Home Learning term 4 2021

Morena Tamariki Ma

Paepae - remember to practise your Pepeha daily.

Show and Tell

Good Morning! Akomanga 18
Since we are learning at home, create a short video recording on Seesaw to say 
"Good Morning!" to your classmates and teacher. 

Pick a special item to show the class and tell us about it 
(where did you get it? who is it from? why is it special to you?).


Daily Writing


Student Instructions

Write a Story

1. Write a home story. 2. Give your story a title. 3. Draw a picture or take a photo of artwork to support your story. 4. Practice reading your story out loud. 6. As an option you can take a photo or record your story to upload to Seesaw.

Happy writing.


Reading Routines: Listening to a Favorite Story

  • We all love hearing our favourite stories again and again! Let's go listen to one now and then respond to the questions below.
    • Write a review or video record yourself talking about your book. Answer these questions - what story did you listen to? what did you like about the story? what didn't like about the story? Share a summary of the story.

Choose a book to Read Daily. Click on the following links

1. log onto.  Mathletics
2. Complete 3 activities before choosing a game.
3. Seesaw - complete one assigned maths activity.   

Top Marks Number Facts   -    great activities. Have a go!

Pūtaiao - Science

Follow  Ryan's Easy and Fun Science Experiments   for more activities
# A challenge to video your own Science Experiment presentation and upload it to Seesaw.

Mahi Toi- Art

Doodling with Mo Willems