Sunday, February 27, 2022


Home- School Learning Ako i te Kāinga

Home Learning 2022

Daily on Seesaw – Show and Tell

Good Morning!, good morning to you!
Since we are learning at home, create a short video 
recording on Seesaw to say 
"Good Morning!" to your classmates and teacher. 

Pick a special item to show the class and tell us about it 
(where did you get it? who is it from? why is it special to you?).

or  share your Pepeha

    Tuhituhi-Writing. 2022

    Persuasive Writing - Hey Little Ant


    1. Watch the story, "Hey Little Ant". 2. Should the boy squish the ant or keep him alive? In a notebook, write your opinion (thoughts) about what you think the boy should do and your reasons why? Remember to include: - A title and introduction - 2 or more reasons to support your opinion - and conclusion

    Take a photo of your writing and upload it to Seesaw.

    2. Go to the Images to inspire choose an image and complete the questions.
    3. Seesaw - complete one of the assigned writing activities:
    1. Write daily about your day. 
    2. Write about something you have made or something new you have learned during the lockdown.
    Use your imagination… think about why is imagination important? What can we do to keep the imagination active?

    Taking Flight

    "Taking Flight" Point of View

    1. Watch the video 2. Retell the story from Dad's point of view. How does he feel when he sees the two of them so dirty? What goes through his mind to change his mood?

    Tadeo Jones

    Write a review about Tadeo Jones the explorer and
    what he discovers.
    Use your imagination to write another adventure for
    Tadeo Jones.

    Pāngarau – Maths  2022
    1. log onto Mathletics
    2. Complete 3 activities before choosing a game.
    3. Seesaw - complete one assigned maths activity.   

    Top Marks Number Facts   -    great activities. Have a go!

    Pānui - Reading

    Choose a book to read daily.

    Storyline online

     Home Learning for Term 1 Week 5 2022 

    I can be contacted at email:                  

    can be messaged on Seesaw between 9 am and 12 pm and online during school hours.

    Morena Tamariki Ma


    Pou hihiri Through diligence

    Pou rarama Through persistence

    Pou o te whakaaro Through clarity

    Pou o te aroha Love and respect

    Te pou e here nei These are the virtues

    i a tātou that bind us

    Mauri ora ki a tātou May we be filled with peace

    Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!

    Paepae - remember to practise your Pepeha daily.

    Tōtara Pepeha (reminder to practise your whānau Pepeha)

    Ngaa mihinui ki a koutou

    Ko   Taupiri te Maunga

    Ko   Waikato te awa

    Ko   Tainui te waka

    Ko   Kirikiriroa ki te Raawhiti te kura

    Ko   Pippa te Tumuaki

    Ko   ____________________ tooku kaiako

             (Your teacher’s name)

    Ko ________________ tooku papa (father)

    Ko ________________ tooku mama (mother)

    Ko ________________ tooku tuakana (older sister)

    Ko ________________ tooku teeina (younger sister)

    Ko ________________ tooku tuahine (boy with a sister) 

    Ko ________________ tooku tungane (girl with a brother)

    Ko ________________ tooku tuakana (boys with older brother)

    Ko ________________ tooku teeina (boys with younger brother)

    Ko ________________ tooku ingoa / ahau

    No reira,

    Teenaa koutou,     (greetings)

    Teenaa koutou katoa.  (greetings to you all)

    Daily Activities  

    Learning Activities for home. Activities can be done in any order.  You can Message me on Seesaw.

    Each day Check out Seesaw Daily for assignments.

    Seesaw - complete at least three assigned activities.   

     - click on the link to practise your breathing exercises.


    Write a Story

    1. Write a home story. 2. Give your story a title. 3. Draw a picture or take a photo of artwork to support your story. 4. Practice reading your story out loud. 6. As an option you can take a photo or record your story to upload to Seesaw.

    Or write a story describing what is happening in this image.


    Reading Routines: Listening to a Favorite Story

    • We all love hearing our favourite stories again and again! Let's go listen to one now and then respond to the questions below.

    Choose a book to Read Daily. Click on the following links

    1. log onto.  Mathletics
    2. Complete 3 activities before choosing a game.
    3. Seesaw - complete one assigned maths activity.   

    Top Marks Number Facts   - great activities. Have a go!

    Pūtaiao - Science

    Follow  Ryan's Easy and Fun Science Experiments   for more activities
    # A challenge to video your own Science Experiment presentation and upload it to Seesaw.

    Mahi Toi- Art

    How to Draw Lizard

    Have fun!

    Tuesday, February 1, 2022

    Welcome to Akomanga 18 2022


    Welcome to all the whānau of Akomanga 18 for 2022.
    Tōtara team.

    Kia ora my name is Whaea Robyn 
    and I will be your teacher.

    School begins on Thursday, February 3rd.

     We will be wearing a mask in our classroom.
    Please name your mask so that we can maintain the best standards of hygiene. 

    Please name clothing (swimming togs and towels),
    water bottles and lunch boxes.

    Hand and surface sanitising will continue in 2022.

    At the close of the school day at 3pm,
    we will walk to our class spot on Dawson Street field.
    Parents, please wait on Grey Street behind the fence.
    Wave to your child/ren and I will send them to you.
    Please wear a mask for this process.

    It is important that the school has the correct phone numbers 
    (emergency phone numbers) and addresses for your family.
    We need to be able to contact you about your child 
    at any time and also inform you if there is no teacher available.
    In this case, learning by distance will occur.

    I hope to see you on Thursday.

    Ngā mihi, 

    Ko Ahau Tēnei


                                      Ko Ahau Tēnei (This is Me)

    Kia ora I am whaea Robyn.

    Ko Tainui te waka
    Ko Taupiri te maunga
    Ko Waikato te awa
    Ko Pootatatu Te Wherowhero te tangata
    Ko Waikato te iwi
    Ko Ngaati Wairere te hapuu
    Ko Hukanui te marae
    Ko Robyn Pene tōku ingoa.

    He piko he taniwha, he piko he taniwha
    Waikato Taniwharau

            My family origins hail from Gordonton a tiny settlement on the outskirts of Hamilton. 
            I am one of four daughters and aunt and grand aunt to many.
            My two adult sons are Koro and Nathan. My beautiful daughter-in-law is Hilary and
            I am a nanny to 4 (soon to be 5) mokopuna.
           I have taught at Hamilton East School for many years. In the early years, I had worked 
           at several schools as a teacher aid and becoming a teacher was a natural progression. 
           I studied at Waikato University School of Education. I majored in Education, Art along 
           with Māori studies. I am a fully trained and experienced Reading Recovery teacher. 
           I have continued to study over the years having recently completed Te Ahu o te Reo Māori 
           Te Rekamauroa programme in 2019;  He Papa Tikanga NZ Certificate in Tikanga in 2018
           and He Tikanga Whakaaro NZ Certificate in Tikanga in 2021. Lastly, I have continued to
           learn more about Special Education to support children with a range of needs. 

            I love to sing, dance and keep active. I have a good sense of humour and appreciate
            good comedy. I enjoy Zumba with my friends and spending time at the beach with the
            whānau. I have travelled many times but New Zealand will always be paradise to me.