Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Ruru Hub Karakia

Anaru gifted this karakia (prayer) for Ruru Hub - Rooms 17 and 18.

Welcome to 2019

Welcome to 2019
Nau mai ki te tau hau o 2019

Welcome to Room 17
Nau mai ki Akomanga 17

Term 1 2019

Our theme for Term 1 is Turangawaewae - Korero Tuku Iho
(Stories of the Past)
We will look into stories of Hamilton and explore some of the
Histories that makes Hamilton (Kirikiriroa) unique in response to
the following:

Rich Question: Who are your ancestors?
Subsidiary Questions: What is the history of Hamilton?
Where do we/you come from?

Our Learning Experiences:
Maintain our School vision and Whakatauki:

“Stand tall. Reach high. Tu Tangata! Tu Maia!

Explore historical context - Maaori history - Hukanui Marae and Kirikiriroa.
  • Hamilton East School
  • Hukanui Marae
  • Our Waharoa (Gateway)                            
  • Hamilton
  • School - Putikitiki (bottom flat)

Toolkit - unpack the Hamilton East School Toolkit.
Treaty - develop a class treaty (Treaty of Waitangi).
Learn about the Marae and Tainui Protocols for marae visit.

Learn Totara Team Pepeha:
We are learning to introduce ourselves in Te Reo Maaori
Ngā mihinui ki a koutou

Ko   Waikato te awa
Ko   Hamutana Rāwhiti te kura
Ko   Pippa te tumuaki
Ko               taku kaiako
        (Your teacher’s name)
Ko _________________ taku papa (father)
Ko _________________ taku mama (mother)
Ko _________________ taku tuakana (older sister)
Ko _________________ taku tēina (younger sister)
Ko _________________ taku tungane (girl with a brother)
Ko _________________ taku tuakana (boys with older brother
Ko _________________ taku tēina (boys with younger brother
Ko ________________ ahau  
         (Your name)

No reira,
Tēnā koutou, (greetings)
Tēnā koutou katoa.  (greetings to you all)

Each student is encouraged to share their own Pepeha part of whakawhānaungātanga a Maaori process for establishing culturally meaningful relationships. Students will learn to know and understand the difference between Pepeha and Mihi.

Marae Visit

In week 3 2019 Friday 15 February we will visit Hukanui Marae.
We welcome Parent Support.

Students will need to bring named togs / towel in a bag daily for swimming. It is expected that all students participate in instructional swimming lessons. Swimming lessons are essential part of our Water Safety programme. Lessons with Field of Dreams Swimming instructors will begin in week 3 and thereafter every Tuesday and Wednesday up until week 7.

Tōtara Stationery lists will be sent home with your child. Stationery packs are available from school office. You are welcome to purchase stationery from your preferred retailer.