Home Learning for Week 5
I can be contacted at email: rpene@hameast.school.nz
I can be messaged on Seesaw between 9 am and 12 pm and online during school hours.
Morena Tamariki Ma
Pou hihiri Through diligence
Pou rarama Through persistence
Pou o te whakaaro Through clarity
Pou o te aroha Love and respect
Te pou e here nei These are the virtues
i a tātou that bind us
Mauri ora ki a tātou May we be filled with peace
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Paepae - remember to practise your Pepeha daily.
Tōtara Pepeha (reminder to practise your whānau Pepeha)
Ngaa mihinui ki a koutou
Ko Taupiri te Maunga
Ko Waikato te awa
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Kirikiriroa ki te Raawhiti te kura
Ko Pippa te Tumuaki
Ko ____________________ tooku kaiako
(Your teacher’s name)
Ko ________________ tooku papa (father)
Ko ________________ tooku mama (mother)
Ko ________________ tooku tuakana (older sister)
Ko ________________ tooku teeina (younger sister)
Ko ________________ tooku tuahine (boy with a sister)
Ko ________________ tooku tungane (girl with a brother)
Ko ________________ tooku tuakana (boys with older brother)
Ko ________________ tooku teeina (boys with younger brother)
Ko ________________ tooku ingoa / ahau
No reira,
Teenaa koutou, (greetings)
Teenaa koutou katoa. (greetings to you all)
Daily Activities
Learning Activities for home. Activities can be done in any order. You can Message me on Seesaw.
Each day Check out Seesaw Daily for assignments.
Seesaw - complete at least three assigned activities.
Hā - click on the link to practise your breathing exercises.
1. Write a home story. 2. Give your story a title. 3. Draw a picture or take a photo of artwork to support your story. 4. Practice reading your story out loud. 6. As an option you can take a photo or record your story to upload to Seesaw.
Or write a story describing what is happening in this image.
- We all love hearing our favourite stories again and again! Let's go listen to one now and then respond to the questions below.
How to Draw Lizard