Kia ora Koutou,
Welcome Back whānauOur Unit for term 3 is focusing on Water, and our wonderful Waikato awa. We will be exploring the Waikato awa with the new exhibition Katohia He Wai Moou, Katohia He Wai Mooku at Waikato Museum. The artworks displayed relate to historic sites, tracking the length of Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest river from its beginnings at Mount Ruapehu to Te Puuaha o Waikato
(Port Waikato).
During Week 2 term 3, rooms 18 and 19 will have a half day experience at the Museum. We will be walking to and from school. We require parents/caregivers support for the half day. If you are able to help please contact whaea Robyn to confirm.
Thursday 4 August - 11.45 to 2.45pm, Rooms 18 and 19
Please bring:
morning tea, packed lunch
water bottle
suitable walking shoes
Thank you for your support
Robyn Pene
Kanohi ki te kanohi Tell us about your child.
Just a reminder that parent conferences will be in week 2, Wednesday 3 August.
This is a time to speak about your child's learning face to face. Meetings will be held in classrooms between 1:00 and 7:00. Please book in using
If you are a parent of a Kōwhai child who has moved classrooms, please feel free to book in with teachers of past and current classrooms.
ngā mihi