Sunday, February 17, 2019

River Walk Notice

In response to our Turangawaewae unit rooms 17 and 18
are planning a short River Walk along the river track starting at Anzac Parade Bridge to the Rangiriri Ship preserved on the riverside by Parana Park.

Purpose: to locate, observe and draw noticeable time changes on or near the Waikato River. 

Who:    Rooms 17 & 18
When:  Friday 22 February 2019
Where: Parana Park - River Walk
Time:    9:15 to 10:30 am

Robyn Pene, Ange Dent, Lynda McKenzie 

1 comment:

  1. Amazing that you added all of the details who,when,were,time. I think you could change Parana park to Memorial park. You could also try a bit more information.
    By Anahera & Henning
