Morena Tamariki Ma
Paepae - remember to practise your Pepeha daily.
Show and Tell
Good Morning! Akomanga 18
Since we are learning at home, create a short video recording on Seesaw to say
"Good Morning!" to your classmates and teacher.
Pick a special item to show the class and tell us about it
(where did you get it? who is it from? why is it special to you?).
Daily Writing
Student Instructions
1. Write a home story. 2. Give your story a title. 3. Draw a picture or take a photo of artwork to support your story. 4. Practice reading your story out loud. 6. As an option you can take a photo or record your story to upload to Seesaw.
Happy writing.
- We all love hearing our favourite stories again and again! Let's go listen to one now and then respond to the questions below.
- Write a review or video record yourself talking about your book. Answer these questions - what story did you listen to? what did you like about the story? what didn't like about the story? Share a summary of the story.
Choose a book to Read Daily. Click on the following links
1. log onto. Mathletics
2. Complete 3 activities before choosing a game.
3. Seesaw - complete one assigned maths activity.
Pūtaiao - Science
Follow Ryan's Easy and Fun Science Experiments for more activities
# A challenge to video your own Science Experiment presentation and upload it to Seesaw.
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