Home Learning for Week 3
I can be contacted at email: rpene@hameast.school.nz
I can be messaged on Seesaw between 9 am and 12 pm and online during school hours.
Morena Tamariki Ma
Pou hihiri Through diligence
Pou rarama Through persistence
Pou o te whakaaro Through clarity
Pou o te aroha Love and respect
Te pou e here nei These are the virtues
i a tātou that bind us
Mauri ora ki a tātou May we be filled with peace
Haumi e, hui e, taiki e!
Paepae - remember to practise your Pepeha daily.
Celebrate Diwali
Diwali - click on the link to view the slide show of Diwali.
Read the information about Diwali and write a report about what you have learnt about Diwali
Write about what Alisha does each day to celebrate Diwali.
Create some Diwali artwork of your own and take a photo to share on Seesaw.
Easy Diwali Recipes. - click on the link to view
1. Write a home story. 2. Give your story a title. 3. Draw a picture or take a photo of artwork to support your story. 4. Practice reading your story out loud. 6. As an option you can take a photo or record your story to upload to Seesaw.
- We all love hearing our favourite stories again and again! Let's go listen to one now and then respond to the questions below.